Mindset - But what does mindset have to do with training?!

Photo by IvelinRadkov/iStock / Getty Images

Photo by IvelinRadkov/iStock / Getty Images

What is "MINDESET"?  Well to cut to the chase, mindset is the values that you choose to apply to a given situation, as they apply to you.  For example, some people value being the most organized and punctual person in their work or office, and henceforth, do their best to act that way.  That is their motivation.  Some people, value work/life balance and would laugh at the over preparedness of the punctual organizer as they stay extra hours to cross their T's and dot their I's.  But in these two examples the subjects know whats important to them.  A simple example,  and while it may not be their only personality trait, they act according to their values.  Now...lets see how this applies to health and fitness.  

How do you feel about being say...staying fit?  How do you feel about feeling good?  How do you about longevity?  You know, people feel differently about these things.  There are people who value these things but know they won't make progress on them without a personal trainer.  I know, I train them.  There are also people who do better tackling these issues all on their own.  For example, I trained for the NYC triathlon 6 years in a row.  Only occasionally would I do a run or a bike with my brother.  Conversely, I would see groups of runners and bikers in the park as I trained day after day.  All together in one strong pack.  Both examples are fine, but, both are not necessarily for everyone.  What is important though is that these situations allowed for people to bring the best version of themselves forward.  If I had trained with a pack I would have been annoyed that I had to keep the time that worked for everyone.  I would have been annoyed that I had to make chit chat before, during, and after the workout session.  And I would have probably stopped going after some time.  Of course thats not how I look at everything but thats how I looked at training.  I wanted to be alone with my thoughts and I wanted to be focused from start to finish.  I had made the decision to be in a competitive sport, that was/is who I am.  And, I knew how I wanted to do it....those are ALSO my values.  This is all MINDSET.  

If you are reading this article its because you have probably also started to think about what is important to you...and in there is the OPPORTUNITY to acknowledge and change you MINDSET.  An opportunity to reflect and build.  They go hand in had.  So let this officially be the start of you, thinking about you and where you want to go. 

Michael Hofman